
神造萬物,皆好。 神把萬物交托人類妥善管理,珍惜愛護。 也供人類使用、享用、食用。
按聖經真理,一眾基督義工同心合力,從各管道收集剩餘還好物資,包括: 日常用品、電器傢俬、家品家具、衣物食品,處理後轉送其他機構、羣體和個人使用。
此作轉棄為用,惜物助人,節源減廢, 動倡環保。

Preserve to help

God create all things, good. God entrust them to human being for well- keeping, treasuring, and love-caring. All things are assigned to human beings for proper usage, healthy enjoyment and adequate consumption too.
According to biblical truth, a group of volunteers in Christ work together in one accord, collect from various sources unwanted items, such as everyday consumable, electrical appliance, furniture, household utensils, clothing’s and food, after tidying up, re-distribute them to other organization, groups, and individuals.
This act turns unwanted items to usable, preserves items to help people in need, reduces waste and conserves resource, helps and promotes environmental preservation.
Although small and limited, this act does glorify God and benefit mankind.

惜物助人 Preserve To Help

2023 07 惜物助人 Preserve To Help

2023 07 惜食祝福 Food Angel Blessing

Missioned by EGC-JESUS >> 2021-2023
Updated 2024/04/09 21:53

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